Happy New Year OACAS Members!
Even though we are virtual we want to recognize our Colleagues!
A reminder that your OACAS Executive will hold their Winter Executive Meeting later this month. At this meeting we review nominations for awards for esteemed colleagues. Nominations can be taken from any active member for another active member. The awards are done at the Annual Conference.
There are two award categories to consider. The nominations need to be submitted to Marsha Sylvia, Secretary at marsha.sylvia@ucdsb.on.ca by February 1, 2021.
The nomination letter can be submitted by the deadline with the supporting letters to follow shortly thereafter (for the Orv Watson Award, two additional supportive letters are recommended).
Award of Merit
This award can be given annually in recognition of individuals who have brought distinction to our profession through service to their community or our Association. Supporting documentation such as a nomination letter and letters of support must be submitted by the deadline for consideration.
Orv Watson Award
This award is given annually in recognition of an individual who has made an out-standing contribution to their profession, to the Association and to the community.
Supporting documentation such as a formal letter of nomination and letters of support, including a letter detailing their community involvement, must be submitted by the dead-line for consideration.